As part of the Typography course in my second year at Shenkar, I was required to choose a topic on which I would design a book. I chose the Italian artist Antonio Canova, who was known for his beautiful sculptures that were made of plaster and marble. Canova's sculptures referred to stories from Greek mythology, and are known for their extraordinary aesthetic.
The work on this book was done in parallel with the outbreak of the Coronavirus in the world, while I was social distancing, at home quarantine, so the most important thing I wanted to create in it is the desired sense of escapism in these difficult times. Similar to Canova's work, I wanted to create an aesthetic, minimalist, and peaceful atmosphere. I was inspired by the architecture and nature that surrounds the Antonio Canova Museum, located these days in Possagno, Italy, which was perhaps one of the countries most affected by the virus.
In addition to the book, I also designed a concertina that contains several quotes from songs and books I like, which gave a sense of escapism from the existing reality. Here is a link to the full book’s online version.
Book and Concertina cover
The Concertina design, front and back
All of the fonts in this work have been approved for use as part of studies at Shenkar College.